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PETRA - Public Enterprises Transparency Index is an assessment and ranking of state-owned enterprises based on indicators. The methodology was developed in 2019, in cooperation with Transparency International Czech Republic. At that time, the assessment and ranking was carried out in both countries, according to the same indicators.

The second survey was conducted in 2021, most of the indicators were retained, so the results are comparable to the previous survey - for individual SOEs, or averages for individual cities in which the sample contains a larger number of MOEs. In addition, it is possible to compare state-owned companies with each other or MOEs from the same sectors, in various cities in Serbia, with each other.

The indicators are divided into four categories - Position of the company, Business, Procedures and Availability of data. Data were collected from company websites. For all indicators, it is possible to get 0 points (information or required procedure or practice is not available, it is not publicly available; 1 point - exists or is partially available, or 2 points - found or obtained information, in full). After data collection, the results were verified, all companies were given the opportunity to indicate if any of the requested data was available, but the researchers did not find it, and then the final table was created.




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